Monday, November 21, 2016

what am I grateful of?

I am beyond grateful for my mom. Without my mom I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have a great family that I am beyond thankful for as well. I also wouldn't have amazing friends that I cherish and love. I wouldn't have gone to the places I have traveled without my mom. My mom really does everything for me. I love my mom with all my heart. I wish I could thank her for everything she has done for me by giving her the world.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Election Reflection

I  disagree of the many things Donald Trump wants to do in America. Trump wants to build a wall but what happened to "and justice for all?" In my opinion, I think Bernie Sanders would've made a great president.

In all, I am disappointed that Donald Trump is our next president. I strongly dislike Donald Trump. I dislike him because of the many racists comments he has said about different races. Donald has also made sexist comments about women. How are parents going to tell their children that America and the face of America supports racism, sexism, and non-equality? Donald Trump is not my president.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What is Social Justice?

Social Justice is a class that partakes in some schools around the world. Although, some countries have banned Social Justice classes. Some places in Mexico have banned Social Justice classes and is still trying to ban them all over Mexico. States in the U.S have banned Social Justice classes around the 2000's as well. The government thinks Social Justice classes are a bad influence and thinks it's a plan to over throw the government. Although, all of that is not true ...

Social Justice changes the mind of students. Social Justice teaches students about their culture. Social Justice makes students think more than they should. Students that take Social Justice classes love their Social Justice class. Students learn so many things in Social Justice. Students have said that Social Justice has changed their life and the way they see things.

The point of this is to show that Social Justice is an important class students SHOULD have. Students really find who they are. Students learn about their culture which is important to know because somebody's culture makes them. Every school should have a Social Justice class because the class really changes a person and who they are.

I myself, thought I found who I am in my social justice class. I now cherish and love my culture. I am now proud of where I am from. I now want to fight justice for many people that are going through tough times and difficult situations. Like, the 43 students missing, fighting for SJ, teachers that are fighting for justice in Mexico, and other situations going on in the world. Social Justice can change the world and make many people want to make the world a better place.